Stay On Guard

Stay On Guard

More important than your physical body health is your spiritual well-being.  However, today’s blog post is about something as simple as informing you to stay on guard for your health and the health of the congregation where you worship.


This week a family in one of our Local Churches was diagnosed with COVID-19.  Apparently almost the whole family is testing positive, parents, children, and grandchildren.  While we have been spared and other Districts have suffered more than us, this has the makings of a real tragedy.  Most unfortunate was the lack of patience to wait to get back into Church services until the Local Pastor and Local Board prescribed the safe conditions for reassembly.  In frustration with the Local Leadership’s choice to wait a while longer before commencing the re-opening of the Local Church, the family had chosen to initiate services in their home.  The family is a family of faith and is remorseful for their choice.  Thankfully, the Pastor and congregation are communicating grace towards the family with prayers for their successful recovery.  Those who were brought into contact are being tested, is my understanding.  We all love this family and lift them up in prayer.  You are invited to do the same.  But we should not waste the lessons learned through this costly mistake.


The lesson is to realize there are designated people whose job it is to make such decisions.  I am reminded of the verses written by the Apostle Paul.

1 Thessalonians 5:11-13, NIV

  1. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 
  2. Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. 
  3. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 

Ephesians 5:21, NIV  

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.


This pandemic is a complicated management nightmare for America.  While some countries have done a quality job of administering successful responses to this pandemic, the USA has not done so well.  Therefore, as individuals and churches we need to step into the gap of caring for those we serve who are responsive to our leadership.  This blog is to simply raise awareness there is still a need for caution for those whom God has entrusted to our responsibility.


In Oklahoma today there were 222 new cases.  That is the highest number of newly diagnosed cases in a single day since the pandemic began.  Even with increasing numbers during the reopening of the society, there are encouraging signs the pandemic is receding.  But it is not over yet.  Like in a victory won in a war, even though the results of the war is over, occasionally some soldiers die for the cause after the cause was settled.  We too must realize dangers of this pandemic still exist for those we serve.


Which brings me back to the main point.  The Church of Jesus Christ is composed of people not of walls, doors, and roofs of buildings.  It is our job to build disciples and care for the Church.  As much as we want to resume the traditions of our gatherings, the Kingdom work of Jesus Christ does not require us to be meeting in buildings.  Meeting is a good thing when it can be done safely.  But the work must be done.


Therefore, it is essential we keep the main thing the main thing.  Stay with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Focus on Jesus and Follow His Plan.  Let the Holy Spirit complete the Great Commission through you.  Keep the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule.  And, while all of us will make mistakes, respect those in authority to make the decisions.  Respect your Local Pastor and Local Church Board.  They have that responsibility.


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